Mini-Football is a fictitious indoor version of football (soccer) created in Spain. Mini-Football is played between two teams of three players, one of whom is the goalkeeper.
Field and ball
Mini-football is played on a court thirty meters long by twenty meters wide (30mx20m), with a discontinuous dividing line in the middle and a goal in the centre of either end. Goals are 1.80m high and 2.80m wide. There are two lines that divide the court in three parts: two boxes and a central or neutral zone. In each area there are a penalty spot and a double-penalty mark over the line.
The ball is smaller than football in order to make it difficult for the goalkeepers to stop it and to require some great skills from the players.
Since this is a fictitious sport, a game is simulated in 5 minutes. The game starts with a centre-kick, which must be done inside the own half of the centre circle. Every time there is a goal, the game will be restarted in this way.
The purpose of the game is obviously to score more goals than the rival. Players can use any part of their bodies, except their hands or arms to score a goal. If they use them, they will commit a type of foul and a free kick will be called. If this happens inside the area, a penalty kick will be taken from the penalty spot.
Fouls are identical to the ones in football. After a foul is committed, there will be always a free kick unless it happens inside the box, so as it is said above, it will be called a penalty kick. However, if a player commits a professional foul outside the area, a double-penalty kick will be called. When it comes to penalty kicks or double-penalty kicks, only the player who won the penalty will be able to take it.
The referee can show yellow or red cards as in football. If a player is shown a red car, unlike football, the player will be excluded for one minute. If during that minute the team with an extra man scores, the player will be allowed to return to the court before the minute ends. In the case that the player is excluded after committing a penalty or a double penalty, the team with the extra man will be still in numerical superiority after taking the double-penalty or penalty kick (regardless of whether they score or not), and the rules will be as said before.
Corner kicks in Mini-Football are also different. The players of the team defending the corner will be in front of the goal, and the remaining players of the attacking team will be outside the box waiting for the ball. Once the ball is in play, the players defending will be able to move again. The attacking players will be able to touch the ball only outside the box (generally they will shoot), then the game will be played with the ordinary rules again.
Regarding to goal kicks, the goalkeeper will be able to pass the ball from any place inside his box, but the player who receives it must be in the neutral zone (unless it is received by one of the opposite team, in which case, the player can get the ball in his own box as well). If this rule is broken, a free kick will be called.
Lastly, in knock-out tournaments, if a game ends in a draw, there will be a one-minute extra time with golden goal (2010 rule). If no goals are scored at extra time, there will be three shoot-outs to decide the winning team. If it remains tied after this, an extra shoot-out will be taken until the game gets untied.
These are the main rules of Mini-Football.